Products : Goose : Domain-Specific Compiler

Domain-Specific Compiler

  #pragma goose parallel for loopcounter(i, j) \
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                dx[k] = x[j][k] - x[i][k];
            r2 = dx[0] * dx[0] + dx[1] * dx[1] +
                 dx[2] * dx[2] + eps2;
            rinv = rsqrt(r2);
            mrinv = m[j] * rinv;
            mr3inv = mrinv * rinv * rinv;
            for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                a[i][k] += mr3inv * dx[k];
            pot[i] -= mrinv;      

Key Features

Supported Languages & Accelerators

As a programming language, Goose supports C. As hardware accelerators, it supports our GRAPE-DR and GPUs of both AMD & NVIDIA. The following languages and hardware accelerators will be supported soon.

Contents of the Package:

Required Environment

Runs on 64-bit Linux (x86_64). Functions for GRAPE-DR are not fully tested on 32-bit environment yet, although functions for other accelerators should work on it.

Goose internally uses the following softwares. They need to be installed beforehand.

Required Softwares:


Permission for use of the Goose Software Package (hereafter the "Software") is granted only to owners of a copy of the Software. The Software may not be redistributed.

The copyright of the software belongs to K&F Computing Research. Co.

Products Line up

Sample Programs

The followings are examples of application programs which can be compiled with the Goose C Compiler.

Measured Performance

Measured Accuracy

Examples of Intermediate Descriptions

C-language description passed on to Goose:

  #pragma goose parallel for loopcounter(i, j) \
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                dx[k] = x[j][k] - x[i][k];
            r2 = dx[0] * dx[0] + dx[1] * dx[1] +
                 dx[2] * dx[2] + eps2;
            rinv = rsqrt(r2);
            mrinv = m[j] * rinv;
            mr3inv = mrinv * rinv * rinv;
            for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                a[i][k] += mr3inv * dx[k];
            pot[i] -= mrinv;      

Description generated by Goose

   Kernel & API calls (in C language)
   The kernel (in VSM language)
    loop body
    vlen 4
    bm ccc_reg0 $t
    upassa $ti $lr0v $lm120v
    fadd $lr16v $lm104v $t 
    upassa $ti $ti $lm104v
    fadd $lr24v $lm112v $t 
    upassa $ti $ti $lm112v

   Kernel & API calls (in C language)
   The kernel (in ATI-IL language)
      sample_resource(7)_sampler(7) r300, r200.xy
      sample_resource(8)_sampler(8) r301, r200.xy
      sample_resource(9)_sampler(9) r302, r200.xy
    ;; force
    func 0
      ixor r999, r100, l8
      dadd r747.xy, r300.xy, r999.xy
      ixor r999, r101, l8

   Kernel & API calls (in CUDA C language)
   The kernel (in CUDA C language)
    extern __shared__ char smembuf_[];
    int kbdim_ = blockDim.x;
    f00_jp_t *f00_jp_smem_ = (f00_jp_t *) smembuf_;
    for (int j_ = jstart_; j_ < jsup_; j_ += jstride_) {
        dx_0_ = f00_jp_smem_[j_].x_j_0_ - f00_ip_[isrc_].x_i_0_;
        dx_1_ = f00_jp_smem_[j_].x_j_1_ - f00_ip_[isrc_].x_i_1_;
        dx_2_ = f00_jp_smem_[j_].x_j_2_ - f00_ip_[isrc_].x_i_2_;
        r2 = dx_0_ * dx_0_ + dx_1_ * dx_1_ + dx_2_ * dx_2_ + eps2;
        rinv = rsqrt(r2);

Old Products

Goose Personal Edition (International Price: 420,000 JPY)

A product for up to 10 users. There is no limitation for the number of local copies installed into different PCs.

Goose Institutional Edition (International Price: 997,500 JPY)

A product for more than 10 users. There is no limitation for the number of local copies installed into different PCs. There is no limitation for the number of users as long as the user belongs to the user group.

Even if a user belongs to a group that consists of more than 10 members (e.g. a university, an enterprise), the user can purchase the personal edition, as long as the number of actual users does not exceed 10.

All product includes one-year free version up service, and one-year technical support. Please contact for purchase. We accept the following payment methods : PayPal, IPMO, and Wire Transfer.

Related Information